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4 Reasons to AVOID DIY Swimming Pool Maintenance

Written by Alpha Omega Pools | Oct 10, 2016 9:51:27 PM


Congratulations on your new pool! Whether you just bought a new house or you did some digging in your backyard, you couldn’t be more excited about the endless fun about to be had. The tricky part is figuring out how to keep that fun going while keeping your investment in great condition. Well, here’s a little secret: the key is maintenance. DIY swimming pool maintenance is tough stuff, though.

Why DIY Swimming Pool Maintenance Is Out of Season

If you’re on the fence on whether to go DIY or hire a service, you shouldn’t be! A professional is the way to go because there are numerous factors that many people fail to take into account when they dream of swimming in the summer. Here’s 5 reasons why you shouldn’t do your own swimming pool maintenance:

1. DIY Swimming Pool Maintenance Is Time-Consuming.

You’ll have to do a ton of research on best practices and chemical safety in addition to going out and buying all of the necessary equipment. While your kids aren’t swimming, you’re not enjoying the pool waters yourself; you’re cleaning the pool so that they hoard all of the fun themselves. By hiring a professional service, you completely eliminate all of the unnecessary hassle so that you can enjoy a refreshing dip without any of the work beforehand. You can be confident that your pool is receiving proper care on a regular basis as the professional company can come and go on an agreed upon schedule.

2. You’ll Save Money Long Term.

If your pool is not properly care for, its lifespan will likely be cut in half. Damage can go unnoticed if it is not regularly inspected. For example, algae can build up quickly, causing filters to get backed up preventing water circulation. It can also create a slippery slime that is a safety hazard for swimmers. Since there’s more of a chance of early deterioration of your pool, it can result in costly repairs. By avoiding DIY swimming pool maintenance and leaving care to a professional, you're more likely to avoid potential issues through early detection and preventative measures.

3. Storing Chemicals Is Risky.

Pool chemicals can be dangerous if you don’t take the necessary precautions. If you attempt to do this on your own, you will have to do a lot of homework first. Aside from the actual handling of the chemicals, you need to learn how to properly store them. A laundry list of rules and regulations can be found on the CDC website, but why risk making a mistake when a trained professional can do the dirty work for you?

4. You’ll Get Expert Knowledge At Your Fingertips.

The best part of hiring a professional pool service is that you gain access to a wealth of expertise. The pros can provide you with extra tips for maintaining a pool between scheduled visits to ensure a healthy pool year-round. Also, if for some reason you do end up needing equipment replaced or cracks repaired, you’ll be able to get the best advice from those immersed in the industry. They’ll be able to tell you a good deal from a bad one and probably have some great recommendations for local repair companies.

When it comes to your pool, extend its life for as long as possible. Your best shot is to go with someone who knows the ins and outs of pool maintenance. Not only will you avoid the headache and time suck of doing it yourself, but you’ll also feel the relief of knowing you’re not violating any safety codes and putting your family at risk for health issues. The pros have it all under control. You’ll be able to reap the rewards for years to come!

Contact AO Pools to find out more about what a pool service company can offer both during the summer months when swimming is in full swing as well as in the winter months to keep your pool in good condition during the off-season. Call us at 702-560-7665 or request an estimate free of charge.